I visited Europes most underrated seaside town – its pretty and really cheap

Wrapped up against the UK’s freezing temperatures, the Mediterranean sunshine currently feels very far away.

But the frustrating thing is it’s actually not. Just a week ago, I’d hopped on a plane for two and half hours to a place where I only needed a t-shirt and was able to paddle in the warm blue water.

The beach I went to was located at the end of a twisting mountainous terrain road, a location that matched any of the scenery you’d find in the hills around Monaco or Saint-Tropez.

But the best thing about this was, despite being in the heart of Europe, the spot is a relatively untouched pocket of one of the most famous stretches of coastline in the world.

I was in Himare, Albania, a place that has to be Europe’s most underappreciated destination. The small seaside resort has scenery that matches the French Riveria and food as good as anywhere in Italy. 

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With enchanting cobblestone streets and beautiful sandy bays, the small town at the base of Mount Cika has scenes you could use on the cover of a guidebook.

In the morning, schools of fish flutter around through the clear waters and birds flutter in the olive groves dotted along the foothills.

Even though I visited in winter temperatures were in the late teens and felt a world away from the grey cold of England.

It’s unclear why exactly this strip of coastline that borders Greece to the South and has Italy as a neighbour in the West has remained immune from the hordes of tourists who flock to the Mediterranean every year.

Perhaps it is the unfair reputation the country has for being associated with crime before I went many people warned me to ‘be careful.’ 

In a tongue-in-cheek manner, friendly locals point out that references in popular culture are not normally favourable too.

For example, the vicious bad guy in Liam Neeson’s Taken franchise is an Albanian known as ‘Marko from Tropoja.’

The truth, as is ever the case, is that this is totally untrue.

Wandering around the beautiful seaside towns dotted along Vlore County is actually far safer than any resort town over the water in Greece or Spain.

Tourists can relax without being harassed by street vendors, overly unenthusiastic business owners or pickpockets.

I got an illustration of how laid back the locals are when making an ill-advised dash across the road at a point you’re not supposed to cross. Braced for a blaring of horns and perhaps some shouted obscenities I looked up to see a smiling driver gesturing for me to pass.  

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Beyond stunning scenery and safe streets, the real underrated aspect of Albania is the food.

Most towns in England won’t have an Albanian restaurant and you rarely hear discussions about the merits of southern Balkan cuisine. 

But being sandwiched between Italy and Greece has created a food culture that fuses two of the world’s best.

Meals in Albania start with platters of starters and fresh bread to match even the finest Greek or Turkish Mezze.

Then for main dishes, there is a choice of delicious pastas and risottos or grilled skewers of meat.

If you prefer a quicker meal there is an ample supply of high-quality pizza places where slivers of fine prosciutto are served beside burrata so fresh it falls apart.

Deserts range from tiramisus and souffles to fresh gelato, all washed down with expressos to rival Rome. 

The best part is dining out in Albania doesn’t hit you in the pocket like it would in Greece or Italy. 

I was able to eat in some of the country’s best restaurants and rarely spent more than £15, a quick snack at a cheaper place was only £5 or less.

Then there’s the booze. A night out along the bars dotted along Vlore County will set you back only £2.

As would be expected for a country with the same conditions as Italy wine lovers can also enjoy ample quantities of excellent but affordable local plonk.

The challenge is to control the urge to go too hard and end up with a headache in the morning.

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